THLE Bataan Memorial Death March Team

- THLE Bataan Memorial Death March Team - March 21, 2018
- Indianapolis VA Loans - October 29, 2014
- Home Mortgage Loan Definitions - October 22, 2014
Bataan Memorial Death March
Team Member #1
Robert H. Kelley
Active duty USAF 1966-1969 Rank Capt.
Attorney for the VA 22 years.
I have seen firsthand for many years the sacrifices that our Veterans and their families have made while serving our Country. I march to honor them and to call attention to the enormous debt which we owe to them that can never be fully repaid.
Make sure to follow us from U.S. Army White Sands Missile Range as we broadcast live sharing marchers’ stories for the Bataan Memorial Death March #HeroLoan
Bataan Memorial Death March
Team Member #2
Ryan L Kelley
3 years ago, one of my closest friends, Captain (Retired), U.S. Army Tony Zucca invited me to participate in the Bataan Memorial Death March. It was far from easy—I blew a disk in my back, developed a hernia, and lost part of my right toe; I swore I would never go back. But I’ve never experienced a sense of patriotism and pride for my country like I did that day. Fast forward to 2018, I couldn’t be more excited to participate in my third march alongside heroes and civilians, all with the same passion—to memorialize those who have and who are currently putting their lives on the line to protect our sacred freedom.
But, I knew I could do more… that’s why the Hero.Loan team has decided to be a major sponsor of the 2018 Bataan Memorial Death March. We’ll be marching on the range, cheering on the sidelines, and volunteering at the finish line as each person completes the course. I appreciate your support and look forward to seeing everyone at the U.S. Army White Sands Missile Range!
Make sure to follow us as we broadcast live, sharing marchers’ stories from this years Bataan Memorial Death March. #HeroLoan
Bataan Memorial Death March
Team Member #3
Bob Boedges
My Name is Bob Boedges and I am the Chief Credit Officer at The Home Loan Expert. I have been with the company for over 3 years and have had the opportunity to see firsthand the amount of giving back to our community The Home Loan Expert provides. When asked if I wanted to compete in the Bataan Death March, at first thought I thought this would be a great opportunity to get in better shape however after thinking about the event and what it means it is a lot more than just a hike.
I have not served myself, but I have many family members that served, and I’ve always greatly respected those in our military. Getting the opportunity to complete the Bataan Death March will give me a chance to meet many great military men and women and allow me to experience something most people will not have the opportunity to complete in their lifetime.
Make sure to follow us as we broadcast live, sharing marchers’ stories from this years Bataan Memorial Death March. #HeroLoan
Bataan Memorial Death March
Team Member #4
Tony Zucca
My name is Tony Zucca and this will be my 5th time doing the Bataan Memorial Death March. My grandfather, Deno Zucca, was a Bataan Death March survivor and also survived years in a Japanese POW camp where he suffered unspeakable torture. Due to his treatment, my grandpa died young, so virtually no one in my family knew/remembers him. I do this as a way to feel connected with the man responsible for my being…because had he died like the thousands of others did on the march/in prisoner camps…I wouldn’t be here. I plan on doing it until there are no survivors left.
Make sure to follow us as we broadcast live from U.S. Army White Sands Missile Range sharing our marchers’ stories for the 2018 Bataan Memorial Death March! #HeroLoan
Bataan Memorial Death March
Team Member #5
Jaidev Jyotis
My name is Jaidev Jyotis and I’m an MBA student who started working for The Home Loan Expert in 2016 while finishing up my undergraduate studies at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. I see the Bataan Memorial Death March as an incredible opportunity to meet the living heroes who defended the Philippine Islands during World War II and to honor the veterans who have been through thick and thin. Being introduced to the March last year, I jumped on board at the first invite that landed in my inbox to be a part of this year’s team. Being competitive by nature, I’m excited to experience White Sands Missile Range for the first time and to see how well I can tackle the 26 mile hike through the desert. Very much looking forward to spending quality time with our team this year, who include coworkers, colleagues, and well-distinguished veterans.
Make sure to follow us as we broadcast live from U.S. Army White Sands Missile Range sharing our marchers’ stores from the 2018 Bataan Memorial Death March! #HeroLoan
Bataan Memorial Death March
Team Member #6
Karolina Zavisiute
Karolina is originally from Lithuania, but she’s called America her home for the last 7 years. This year is going to be her second year to attend the Bataan Memorial Death March. Her dad was in the military back in Lithuania during the Soviet Union Regime. After his service was over he suffered from PTSD that was never treated. She knows what it means to live in the PTSD environment. She is going to march to show her support for all the veterans and active members.
Make sure to follow Hero.Loan as we broadcast live from U.S. Army White Sands Missile Range sharing our marchers’ stories from the 2018 Bataan Memorial Death March! #HeroLoan
Bataan Memorial Death March
Team Member #7
Lieutenant Colonel USMC (Ret)
Michael Fitts
As a military veteran, I am humbled to be able to participate and support my fellow marchers in the Bataan Memorial Death March. The opportunity to honor our Heroes is priceless. We owe the greatest debt to our honored WWII veterans and the legacy they forged for us to follow. Truly our American WWII veterans are the “old breed” and worthy for our deepest respect and gratitude. I am so very grateful to share in this memorial to remember and never forget the sacrifices of the 60,000 – 80,000 Filipino and American prisoners of war who endured one the most horrific war crimes in our recent history. May we never forget….
Semper Fi,
Mike Fitts
Make sure to follow Hero.Loan as we broadcast live from the U.S. Army White Sands Missile Range sharing our marchers’ stories from the 2018 Bataan Memorial Death March! #HeroLoan
Bataan Memorial Death March
Team Member #8
David Bridges
My name is David A. Bridges Jr. and I am from St. Louis, MO. I’ve always wanted to pay tribute to our military, beyond just a monetary donation. The Bataan March will be my first time completing a marathon in any capacity. I have always been an athlete but I know this march is no joke. I have been training for my first half-marathon in April and I hope to bring a respectful and fresh attitude on this adventure. I am doing this in remembrance of all the men and woman who have sacrificed their lives so we can live in freedom in this great country. Someday, I hope to leave a legacy that is as honorable them.
Make sure to follow Hero.Loan as we broadcast live from the U.S. Army White Sands Missile Range sharing our marchers’ stories from the 2018 Bataan Memorial Death March! #HeroLoan